Lessons learned.....

I had always been interested in microservices, and when I landed a job at a company that claimed to be working with them, I was ecstatic. I thought I had found the perfect opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and build something truly scalable and agile. But as I soon found out, things were not quite as they seemed.

Although the company talked about microservices all the time, it quickly became clear that everything was in a single monolithic code repository. There was an attempt to break things up into smaller components, but everything was still tightly coupled and built in a synchronous way. The reality was that there was no scalability, and costs were high compared to actual microservices.

To make matters worse, it took an average of several months to deliver a new function, and even longer to change front-end topics. The company had failed to think about the architecture and was driven solely by business considerations. It was frustrating to see that the company could have been very scalable if they had just taken the time to design and think about the architecture properly.

What really shocked me, though, was the developers' arrogance. They considered themselves senior and well thought in development, but they had built something so complex that no new developer could work with it. It was like they had created a single application that only runs on Linux and nothing else. It was clear that they had no knowledge of how to build actual scalable applications.

My experience at that company taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of taking the time to design and think about architecture before building anything. Even if it takes several months, it's never a loss. It's a win because designing a microservice chassis for example can help speed up development and avoid repetitive work. It may seem slow at the beginning, but you will go faster at some point.

This lesson has stayed with me, and I now approach every new project with a healthy dose of skepticism and a commitment to doing my research and making informed decisions. Building a company requires a lot of hard work, but it's important to take the time to do things right from the beginning. Otherwise, you risk building something that is not scalable, difficult to maintain, and difficult to scale. It's not worth the risk.

Absolutely. When designing a new application, one of the most important things to consider is the data model and structure. This is because the data model is the foundation on which the entire application will be built. If it's poorly designed, then it can lead to a lot of problems down the line.

By taking the time to design a well-structured data model, you can speed up development significantly. This is because it allows for more efficient querying and faster data processing. When data is organized in a logical and efficient way, developers can access the information they need more quickly and easily. This can lead to faster development times and fewer bugs.

Additionally, a well-designed data model can help you avoid data duplication and inconsistencies. By using a normalized data model, you can reduce redundancy in your data, which means you'll have fewer places to update the information when changes need to be made. This can lead to fewer data inconsistencies and a more reliable application.

All in all, taking the time to design a good data model is a critical step in building a scalable and efficient application. It's important to think about the long-term needs of the application, as well as the potential growth of the business. By investing time and resources upfront, you can save time and money down the line and create an application that is flexible, reliable, and scalable.

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