Even before my career, I was busy building stuff and wanted to understand how everything works

I saw an oppertunity in the hospitality branch and went for it.

  • 1

    Saw that B&B and pensions paid too much and where not happy

  • 2

    Went physically to every B&B and asked what they would change

  • 3

    Found out the "happiness" percentage was around 5% in commission

There was no stackoverflow and no AI to help you out. I learned it all from a book.

I started programming in PHP and build a Hotel booking website called waarslapen.nl (you can check the wayback machine). After doing my market research I decided to help the small business with gaining back control over their income. But as young and unexperienced as I was, and with no good people around me to guide. I was doomed to fail. Well not a real failure. Within weeks we had a few hundred B&Bs and pensions using us. But little did I know I sold the platform behind it. It was like AirB&B but in 2008.