Rethinking Product Management: Challenging the Status Quo


In today's fast-paced business landscape, product management has emerged as a critical department within organizations. With the goal of delivering successful products and services to customers, product managers have traditionally been hailed as the linchpin between development teams and management. However, a growing perspective challenges the conventional notion that product management is indispensable. This blog story aims to shed light on why product management has become an overrated department, with a particular focus on the misconception that throwing money at every problem is the solution.

The Flawed Mindset:

One of the primary reasons product management has gained an overinflated reputation is the belief that throwing money at problems is the surefire way to overcome challenges. This mindset often leads product managers to approach problems without exploring alternative solutions. However, a more effective approach is to encourage product managers to think creatively and seek non-monetary ways to address obstacles.

The Power of Problem-Solving:

True innovation lies in the ability to solve problems efficiently and resourcefully. Instead of relying solely on financial resources, product managers should explore a range of problem-solving techniques. By fostering a culture of collaboration and ideation, organizations can tap into the diverse skills and perspectives of their teams to find creative solutions that don't solely depend on financial investment. This approach not only encourages out-of-the-box thinking but also empowers employees to contribute meaningfully to the success of a product.

Managing Expectations:

Another reason why product management has become overrated is the tendency to provide unrealistic timelines and expectations. While it's crucial to set goals and deliver results, product managers often find themselves caught between the inherent uncertainties of development and the pressure to provide concrete deliverables. These conflicting demands can lead to frustration, disappointment, and strained relationships with both development teams and management.

Instead of making promises based on unknowns, product managers should embrace transparency and open communication. By acknowledging the unpredictable nature of development, they can work with stakeholders to set realistic expectations and communicate progress effectively. This approach promotes trust and understanding among team members, mitigating potential conflicts and improving overall collaboration.

Reevaluating the Role of Product Management:

While product management has played a vital role in driving innovation and success, it is essential to challenge the notion that companies cannot thrive without their intervention. By adopting a more holistic perspective, organizations can explore alternative structures and approaches that yield equally effective results.

For instance, decentralized decision-making can empower individual teams and departments to take ownership of product development and make informed decisions. This approach allows for faster response times, increased agility, and a greater sense of accountability. Ultimately, it promotes a collaborative environment where everyone contributes to the success of the product, rather than relying solely on a central product management department.


Product management, although historically vital, has become an overrated department due to certain misconceptions and flawed approaches. The belief that money is the ultimate solution and the tendency to provide unrealistic expectations can hinder both the potential of product managers and the success of a product. By encouraging problem-solving without relying solely on financial resources, managing expectations transparently, and reevaluating the role of product management within organizations, we can embrace alternative approaches that lead to better results and foster a more collaborative work environment. It's time to challenge the status quo and rethink the role of product management in shaping the future of innovation

The Communication Conundrum: Bridging the Gap Between Product Managers and Developers

In addition to the challenges surrounding financial decision-making, there is another critical aspect of product management that has contributed to its overrated reputation - the loss of effective communication between product managers themselves. Throughout the product design and delivery process, it is all too common to witness a lack of alignment among product managers regarding dependencies and unknown issues. Each product manager often operates in their own silo, without a comprehensive understanding of what is truly needed for successful product development.

Recognizing the Technical Background:

To address this communication gap, it is crucial for product managers, especially in tech companies, to possess a technical background. Without a solid understanding of the technology behind the product, it becomes exceedingly challenging to effectively communicate with the development teams. A lack of technical knowledge can hinder a product manager's ability to grasp the intricacies of what developers are building, leading to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and ultimately, a failure to deliver optimal results.

Understanding the Impact of Bugs and Challenges:

One of the primary benefits of a product manager with a technical background is their ability to comprehend the impact of bugs and various development challenges. Technical issues can significantly impact the timelines and overall success of a product. Without firsthand knowledge of the development process, product managers may struggle to make informed decisions when faced with unexpected obstacles. This can result in unrealistic timelines and a failure to manage expectations effectively.

Building Stronger Bridges:

To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to foster stronger communication and collaboration between product managers and developers. Product managers must actively seek to develop a foundational understanding of the technical aspects of their product. This can be achieved through continuous learning, engaging in discussions with the development team, and immersing themselves in the technology stack.

Furthermore, establishing cross-functional teams and promoting regular meetings and knowledge-sharing sessions can help bridge the gap between product managers and developers. By fostering an environment of open communication, product managers can gain insights into the development process, identify potential roadblocks, and effectively align their strategies with the technical requirements of the product.


While the misalignment of communication and the lack of technical understanding within product management can contribute to its overrated status, it is crucial to recognize these challenges and work towards addressing them. By emphasizing the importance of technical background for product managers in tech companies and promoting effective communication and collaboration between product managers and developers, organizations can bridge the gap and maximize their potential for successful product delivery. It is through these efforts that we can reshape the perception of product management and unlock its true value within the organization.

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